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Data Protection

ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L assumes a permanent commitment to privacy and informs you that personal data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data), as well as Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI) .

This Privacy Policy may vary, among other aspects, depending on legislative or self-regulatory requirements, so Users are advised to visit it periodically.

When you access the web topcaribbeanexperience.com/en (hereinafter, Web) you become a User. This Privacy Policy constitutes, together with the Legal Notice and the Cookies Policy, the set of rules and policies that regulate the use of the Web as well as the relationship between ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L and the User.

This Privacy Policy regulates, in particular, the treatment that ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L carries out of the personal data collected through the Web, owned by ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L and the treatment and purpose of these. To this end, the following aspects are reported:


  1. Who is responsible for the treatment of your personal data?


C/ Rufino González, 40 3º Centro, 28037 – (Madrid) – Madrid

C.I.F. B88583414

Email: info@adgtravel.com

Telephone: 91 789 38 67


  1. Principles applicable to the processing of personal data.

In the treatment of Users’ personal data, ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L applies the following principles:

Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L will always require the consent of the user for the treatment of their personal data, either for one or more specific purposes, informing Users of this in advance.


Principle of minimization of data: ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L will only request the strictly necessary data in relation to the purposes for which it is required.

Principle of limitation of the conservation period: ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L will keep the data no longer than necessary for the purposes of the treatment.

Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Users’ personal data will be treated in such a way that adequate security is guaranteed and their confidentiality is guaranteed.


  1. How do we collect personal data?

The data provided by Users is voluntary, although the refusal to provide the requested data may lead to the impossibility of accessing the services that require it. During the data collection process, and whenever data is requested, Users are informed of the mandatory or voluntary nature of data collection.

Data provided voluntarily by Users: When the User contacts us with a comment, question or to request information or send us any communication; when you subscribe to receive newsletters and newsletters about our services and marketing studies or events and when you send the CV if you are interested in any application or as part of our team, etc.

Data provided by Users while browsing the web: these are the personal data resulting from the application of algorithms to analyze, for example, the interest of our Users for certain services, studies, browsing on our Website, etc.


  1. What personal data do we process?

Personal and contact information. This information is provided or provided by the User to ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L when he contacts us for any matter through the contact form or when he subscribes to newsletters and newsletters about our services and marketing studies through the content subscription. These data are for example the name and surname, country, address, email, telephone number, etc. or those that ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L may request to attend to and process any query or request that Users send us.

Information about the connection, navigation, interaction devices and the use of our website. ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L collects and processes data concerning the devices from which Users access our Web, that is, whether it is a PC or a mobile phone, IP address, the use made of the Web, etc.

Information about professional career and CV. ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L collects and processes all personal information, academic, professional and curricular information, as well as the contact information that Users provide us when they apply for a job or submit a candidacy for any of the jobs or vacancies . The personal, academic, professional, curricular and contact data that we collect are those that users provide us at any time through their CV, such as, for example, previous work experience, training and academic data, etc.


  1. For what purpose do we process personal data?

ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L establishes that, based on the purpose limitation principle, personal data will be collected exclusively for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a manner incompatible with said purposes. The purposes are as follows:

To manage and process services requested by the User.


Your personal data (personal and contact information) and any other data strictly necessary to comply with the request and follow-up of any question, doubt, information, claim that the User may raise or present to our contact channel or information will be used .

The data will be kept as long as the relationship is maintained and its deletion is not requested and in any case in compliance with the statutory limitation periods that apply to it. In case of not providing the necessary data for this purpose, it will not be possible to attend the service requested by the User.

For managing relationships with our Users.


To send information and newsletters related to our services; marketing research and analysis and other initiatives; evaluate and improve the quality and selection of our services according to the needs and preferences of the Users; develop new services based on the preferences of the Users; analyze and carry out statistics and studies on the interests, preferences or trends of use of the Users; design advertising strategies, conduct behavior segmentation, marketing and / or marketing.

To send information about our services and studies, ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L may use traditional means of contact (postal mail and telephone) and / or digital and automated means (email, SMS, telephone and other digital channels) and we may send these communications if the User has expressly agreed to receive them. At any time, the User can cancel the subscription or unsubscribe at any time.

The data will be kept as long as the User does not request us to unsubscribe, understanding that he is still interested in receiving the aforementioned communications. In case of not providing the necessary data for this purpose, it will not be possible to inform the User about our services.


To manage and process candidate selection processes.


The personal data provided by the candidates will be used in order to proceed with the communication of possible job offers, as well as selection processes that may interest the candidate for meeting the appropriate requirements.

The personal data provided will be kept for the necessary time thatADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L considers in consideration of the candidate’s skills and qualifications and the company’s recruitment needs or until the deletion is requested by the candidate.

ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L also processes personal data for other purposes, such as:

To guarantee compliance with the conditions of use. This may include the development of tools and algorithms that help the Web to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.

To support and improve the services offered by this website.

ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L also collects other non-identifying data that is obtained through some cookies that are downloaded to the User’s computer when browsing this website, as detailed in the Cookies Policy.

To manage social networks. ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.Lhas a presence on different social networks. The treatment of the data that is carried out in social networks will be governed by this section, as well as by those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network that is appropriate in each case and previously accepted by the user. It will process your data for the purposes of correctly managing your presence on the social network, reporting your activities or services. As well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow.


  1. To whom do we communicate the data?

ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L does not communicate to third parties the personal information that Users provide us through the Web, except when the disclosure is required by current legislation, by court order, or by a competent authority, as well as when we must communicate the data indispensable for logical reason of the provision of the service.

The data collected will only be transferred, where appropriate, with the prior consent of the person concerned or in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned legislation.


  1. What are the rights of Users?

Right of access: Right to obtain confirmation on whether ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L processes personal data that concerns you, or not.

Right of portability: Whenever ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L processes personal data through automated means based on their consent, the User has the right to obtain a copy of their data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format transferred to their name or a third party. Only the personal data that you have provided will be included in it.

Right to rectification: Right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data that concerns you.

Right of deletion or right to be forgotten: Right to obtain the deletion of any personal data that ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L treats at any time, except if you have any doubts or claims pending resolution and if you have contracted with us any service so we will keep your personal data in relation to the transaction by tax and accounting regulations.

Right of opposition to data processing based on legitimate interest: ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L will not process personal data unless we can prove compelling legitimate reasons for the treatment that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.


These rights may be exercised by communication to ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L. to the email address info@adgtravel.com or by writing Ref: LOPD, C/ Rufino González, 40 3º Centro, 28037 – (Madrid) – Madrid

Right to object to receiving commercial and marketing communications: Right to object to receiving commercial and marketing communications. At any time Users can unsubscribe simply by following the instructions indicated in the footer of the body of each of the electronic communications sent by ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L

Right to file a claim with a supervisory authority: If you consider that ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L treats your data incorrectly, you can contact us. You also have the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection authority.


  1. Modification of the Privacy Policy.

ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L reserves the right to unilaterally modify this Privacy Policy as a consequence, among other circumstances, of: (i) changes on the Web; (ii) modifications in the treatment or purposes of personal data; (iii) legislative changes or news or (iv) the establishment of new criteria by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or any other authority on the matter.

© 2019, ADG TRAVEL DIGITAL TECH, S.L. All rights reserved. V1.2019